If you do not have a suitable relative to care for your child in Melbourne, you can nominate Hawthorn-Melbourne as the official guardian. This option is only available to students aged 14 – 18 years.
For this option, your child will be placed with a registered host family by a Hawthorn-Melbourne approved Homestay Provider. We will issue a Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW) letter. You must present the CAAW letter to the DHA when you apply for the student visa.
The CAAW will start 7 days before your child is scheduled to start their course at Hawthorn-Melbourne. It will end 7 days after the enrolment end date or on your child’s 18th birthday, depending which comes first. The DHA will issue your child’s visa according to the CAAW dates. Your child must not enter Australia before the welfare arrangements start.
If your child is planning to study at another institution after Hawthorn-Melbourne, you may need multiple CAAW letters. There cannot be a gap in the CAAW dates.
You may want to nominate a homestay family yourself. A parent-nominated homestay family must be registered. For more information, please contact: accommodation@hawthornenglish.vic.edu.au